7 Health Benefits of Turmeric Water & Recipe

Health Benefits of Turmeric Water

The approach in Ayurveda is based on the interconnectedness of Mind, Body, and Spirit. It strongly emphasizes Preventive Health Care. It relies on natural remedies. To promote holistic well-being, Ayurveda incorporates the use of herbs, minerals, and natural ingredients for healing, harmony, and balance. One such herb is Turmeric. The golden herb known as ‘Jayanti’ in Sanskrit means the one that wins over diseases. It is also known as Haridra- dear to Lord Krishna. There are around 53 names for Turmeric in Sanskrit based on the multiple properties and nature of Turmeric. 

Turmeric’s use for culinary purposes, religious practices, and medicinal remedies dates back to 4000 years. It is still used for all these purposes. Nowadays, before the daily hustle-bustle begins or before curling up for sleep, health-conscious communities rely on libations made from herbs. Turmeric fans make Ginger Turmeric Shots, Turmeric Tea, Turmeric Water, Golden Milk, etc. because of the multiple health benefits that this natural magical compound has.

We have been reminded repeatedly about the importance of drinking water. But we often forget! Some of us struggle to maintain our hydration routine. The result is dehydration and other side effects. That’s where detox drinks like Turmeric Water with lemon and honey come in handy! You just need to add the right ingredients to make your plain water flavorful and healthy! 

Today’s blog post is about the benefits of Turmeric Water and the recipe for this healthy potion.


7 Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Water

Turmeric Water is a healthy drink made with the goodness of turmeric rhizomes (if available in the harvest season) or using turmeric powder along with lemon and honey. Let’s look at the benefits of drinking Turmeric Water - a concoction made from the magical golden spice!

Flushes Toxins

Turmeric’s antioxidant properties make it one of the best supporters of liver health. It enables the body to enhance the natural mechanism of detoxification. The Lakadong Turmeric that we harvest is the best in quality with no extracts and zero additives. It has 4 times more Curcumin content, pure and potent than the other varieties.

Relieves Stress

Curcumin in Turmeric helps balance Vata Dosha ( In Sanskrit it means the mind-body element associated with air and space). The imbalance in Vata can even disturb mental health. Turmeric has been linked to the regulation of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play a key role in mood regulation. There has been ongoing research to check the efficacy of turmeric in reducing stress. It can be used for treating such conditions. Consuming turmeric water can help reduce stress and anxiety levels daily, promoting a sense of calm and well-being. 

Supports Respiratory Health

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties extend to the respiratory system, helping to reduce symptoms of conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. Turmeric Water can be particularly soothing for the lungs and throat. Our Potent Premium Lakadong Turmeric Powder comes from the rhizomes harvested in the farms in Meghalaya. It has 4 times higher curcumin content and can strengthen your immune system. 

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

The imbalance in Pachak Agni (digestive fire) leads to a spike in cholesterol levels. Turmeric controls cholesterol because of its Deepan (appetizer) and  Pachan (digestive) properties. Curcumin in turmeric has been shown to improve the function of the endothelium, the lining of your blood vessels. This, coupled with its anti-oxidant properties, can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Curcumin can reduce oxidative stress, and delay cellular senescence which is critical to vascular dysfunction. Hence adding turmeric supplements to your diet or consuming it in the form of Concoction such as Turmeric Water will be extremely beneficial for heart health. 

Fights Age-Related Chronic Diseases

Turmeric shows strong anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Oxidative stress in the body activates inflammatory pathways that lead to chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. Research shows that Curcumin in turmeric and a form of vitamin D has the potential to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain of Alzheimer patients. 

Reducing Belly Fat

Turmeric having digestive powers enhances the Pachan Shakti (digestion), thereby boosting the metabolism. Sipping Turmeric Water regularly, first thing in the morning, can aid in breaking down the dietary fats in the body. Hence, turmeric water can become an additional boon to your daily routine to reduce belly fat. 

Promotes Healthy Skin

Turmeric is an antiseptic. Grandmothers in every house in India are very familiar with how wonderfully well it works for the skin. Regular intake of turmeric water can help reduce acne, combat signs of aging, and promote a natural, healthy glow.


Turmeric and Lemon Water Recipe

Health Benefits of Turmeric Water


½ teaspoon Turmeric Powder

½ Lemon 


Lukewarm Water


How to Make Healthy Turmeric and Lemon Water?

Take 8 fl oz of lukewarm water in a cup. To it add 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add ½ lemon juice freshly squeezed and honey as per taste. Stir the concoction well! 

Honey should be added to the cup and not directly while boiling the water. Adding honey to the concoction helps to take the herb deep into the tissues. 

When turmeric is full of Prana (life force), it enhances our health. Fresh turmeric rhizomes are only available during the harvest season. The turmeric rhizomes that you get year-round otherwise may come from cold storage.

Keeping in mind the availability of pure, potent, and best-quality turmeric, we came up with a solution! We harvested Lakadong turmeric following ancient farming rituals. To get the World’s Best Turmeric Products visit our Shop. The Lakadong Turmeric rhizomes that we harvest are hand-picked, sun-dried, and stone-ground following traditional harvesting and slow post-harvesting rituals. The reductionist approach is a big no when it comes to health and holistic well-being. 

So even if you don’t have access to fresh turmeric rhizomes, you can use Lakadong Turmeric Powder, because of its purity and potency. It has 4-8 times more Curcumin than other varieties of Turmeric since our approach is traditional and slow, both while harvesting and post-harvest, the Prana is preserved, which ultimately enhances the immune system. 

The rhizomes from our farms in Lakadong ( a part of Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya, North-East Himalayas) follow the synergy cropping method for harvesting.


Founder’s Say On Turmeric Water

Health Benefits of Turmeric Water

Other Ways to Add Turmeric to Your Diet

Turmeric has been a part of Asian cuisine ever since. It is known for its vibrant and earthy distinctive flavor and aroma. It is consumed in various forms. Haldi Doodh or Golden milk is a comfort drink that soothes your mind and body. You can make golden milk or vegan golden milk using our recipe. Delicious soups, simple khichdi, flavorful curries, and healthy shots made with Turmeric add an earthy flavor to the dish. You can also include turmeric supplements in your diet. Our finest Lakadong Turmeric Tablets are pure, potent, and easy to swallow.


FAQs on Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Water

  • Turmeric Water is a concoction made of turmeric powder, lemon, and honey. It is a healthy drink that can be had first thing in the morning, to boost your immunity and acts as a detoxifier because of its antioxidant properties.

  • Yes. Turmeric aids in digestion. It is known to improve digestion and liver function. It helps in balancing the Pachak Agni (digestive fire). There’s ongoing research on using turmeric to treat irritable bowel syndrome. The pilot study reported that turmeric consumed alone can drop irritable bowel syndrome by 60%.

  • Turmeric when consumed as a concoction with hot water, lemon, and honey can help you burn your belly fat. You can consume turmeric water first thing in the morning or after your workout. Adding turmeric water or ginger-turmeric shots can add value to your weight-loss journey, as turmeric breaks the dietary fats and helps make your belly supple.

  • Drinking turmeric water every day can prevent you from many chronic diseases. Turmeric due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-microbial, and antioxidant properties is safe to consume. In case of specific health conditions, you can consume Turmeric after proper consultation.


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